11 月 30 2021 - 11 月 30 2021

#100 中正區|木棉

#100 中正區|木棉

這座城市有機體的 聲/設 切片
Organic sound / facilities / segment in the city
中正區有濃厚的文教風氣,除了總統府及政府機關林立 ,區內還有許多博物館、文物館,植物園與二二八和平紀念公園帶來綠意,兩廳院帶來豐富偉大的表演藝術及戲劇。凱達格蘭大道是民眾聚集發聲的重要場地,發出了這座城市的凝聚之聲。
In addition to the president palace and governmental institution standing in great number, Zhongzhen District has the thick cultural and educational fashion, together with many museums and artifact halls, while the botanical garden and 228 Peace-memorial Park bring a great of green message and the two halls (National Theater & National Concert Hall) perform the magnificent art and drama. The Ketagalan Boulevard is an important place for the public to congregate and vocalize the cohering demands for this city.
  • 11 月 30 2021 - 11 月 30 2021

  • Taipei, Taiwan

Art Work
  • 安安 – 12 區花創作