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About our Artist

Mummum Artist

Yeh Xun
Absurdist Artist

葉巽 – 荒謬藝術家  Taipei, Taiwan




2018 年起,葉巽始專注從事藝術跨域及多媒材創作,跨界結合音樂、表演藝術,試圖打破定義,呈現藝術的多重想像可能性。葉巽作品以東方哲理為底蘊,融合西方媒材與設計表現方式,探討人存在本身與宇宙間的連結,作品中經常帶有矛盾衝突,靜態中的動態、現代中的古典、平靜中的瘋狂,透過水平幾何解構,與觀者們對望凝視,相互思辨人存在的意涵。


Yeh Xun – Absurdist Artist

Xun is a token of Feng Gua of I CHING. It represents the artist dash in her life, not easy to be captured. Philosophically wise, the artist wants to address the concept of different perspective of human nature, emphasize the concept like light is the roots of shadow.


Yeh Xun was engaged with the art creation of multi-material and various categories. She tries to use female’s point of view to break the stereotype, guide the audience to think in different way instead of follow the existing frame.


Yeh Xun utilizes the oriental philosophy as a start point, combine different materials and design category. In order to discuss the connection between the essence and the universe. Their art creation demonstrates contradiction, dynamic in the static work, classic in the modern work, and craziness in the serenity. They would like to use their art definition to let the audience ponder the meaning of existence of human beings.