#04【安、安 Hi There ! 】Senses of Taipei 聲設臺北:課程 X 工作坊 X 線上展
#04【安、安 Hi There !】New Age 新維度
Life is composed of the mixed hope-and-fear particles;
Chat with human-design chart analysts about creators’ mental journey
靈性,是指「在各種相處關係中達到平衡的最佳狀態」。嵐澄創藝x謬謬藝術 本集邀請到人類圖分析師「 Faye觀人類圖·你看看你」的 Faye,讓我們在靈性開發與新維度的提升中,認識到人類圖這個知識系統,透過「人生的使用說明書」一起聊聊創意、藝術工作者喜憂參半的生涯歷程。
Embrace ourself calmly
Explore life stably
Spirituality indicates “An optimum status to reach the balance in various dealing relations”. In this episode, Mistypure x Mummum Art invites Master Faye, the analyst of human-design chart and the author of the “Faye’s viewpoint on the human-design chart— just look yourself”, to chat about innovative and artistic practitioners’ career courses mingled with hope and fear, then, through the “Specification for human life” to recognize the knowledge system of Human-design Chart during the process to enhance our spiritual development and new dimension.
Just like our life’s designing chart, Human-design Chart is a primitive setting — it is not the solution printed on its specification but an instrument for us to explore or comprehend ourself in practices, then, follow our own energy to make each decision, the experience of which is what we shall meet in our lifetime, i.e., what so-called the experience to live out our life.
How to balance each role, timeframe, income, and creation is an issue the innovative and artistic workers must be confronted. As facing multitasking and these endless chasing routes, how should they (or entrepreneurs) preserve their equanimity, deal with the pressure, and taste the acerbic flavor? It has become a heavy responsibility to be shouldered.
In the material and human world where we live, in general, innate genius often indicates the excellent capability or specialty able to develop our vocation, or to exchange remuneration. In fact, in addition to the fact aforesaid, each of us possesses our own exclusive originality, i.e., the site where our enthusiasm locates. To explore our own unique is a very important core value in the Human-design Chart.
Regardless of the innovative or artistic workers, creators, or all forms of people in other fields, we expect that they all can obtain a comforting effect or a bit of enlightenment in this share.
《New Age》線上聯展
New Age 線上聯展邀請了謬謬藝術合作藝術家沈鈺華 SHEN Yu-Hua、人氣插畫家許嫚庭 Manting Illustration,以及謬謬藝術主力藝術家葉巽Yeh Xun,從對萬物生命流逝的紀錄,到對生命之旅中,每一刻相遇風景的轉化,以及讓觀看的「物」,成為我們自己專屬的意識,希望每個觀者在面對各種人、事、物的關係,甚至於與自我意識之間的關係,都能夠達到一個平衡的狀態。
We have invited Shen Yu-hua (the artist coordinated with Mummum Art), Hsu Man-Ting (the popular illustrator), and Yeh Xun (the artist served as Mummum’s anchor) to participate in the New Age On-line Exhibition. From recording the lapse of all beings to transforming each scene encountered at every moment in our life journey, all of the “Object” we had ever seen has become the consciousness exclusive for ourselves. We do hope that every visitor can reach a balanced status when appreciating and noticing the relation among all kinds of people, matters, and objects, or even the relation amid the self-consciousness.
Joint Exhibition Online
從沈鈺華的《時間集 The Seasons》為開端,在面對萬物短暫生命的流逝,「替花朵畫肖像」保存與紀錄。沈鈺華 SHEN Yu-Hua出生於台灣台北,畢業於巴黎第一大學造型藝術研究所,曾於德國ArToll以及上海Swatch和平飯店藝術中心駐村,因著不同的駐村經驗,將異地的生活日常作為創作養分。瞬息的生命本質使花的姿態終究是個印象,依著季節盛放的花草,描繪出那短暫的綻放。在「替花朵畫肖像」的過程中,面對流逝與保存間的狀態誠實以對,記錄下花的美與虛空。謬謬咖啡鎔鑄創作意涵,凝聚成屬於四季時序咖啡茶飲與甜點,將藝術家沈鈺華水彩畫創作《時間集-24節氣》化作四季時序的記憶,並且將全感風味的四季體驗,寫入時間集當中,本次展期特別推出安安24節氣組合,24張花朵肖像一次擁有。
“The Seasons” created by Shen Yu-Hua is serving as a pioneering introduction; facing the lapse of all beings’ short life, she preserves and records them in her work of the “Painting the portrait for flowers”. Shen Yu-Hua was born in Taipei, Taiwan, and graduated from the Plastic Art Institute of Université Paris 1 Panthéon. As an artist-in- residence staying at Artoll in German and the Swatch Art Peace Hotel in Shanghai (China), she relied on her diverse residing experiences to transform her exotic daily living into the creative nutrient. The flower posture is no more than an impression onto the transient life, the essence of which still relies on the seasonal changes. Therefore, in the process of creating the “Painting the portrait for flowers”, Shen depicted the transient blooming flowers and plants, kept track of flowers’ beauty and vanity, and honestly faced the lapsed time and preserved status. Mummum Coffee is harmonized with the creative implication, then, turned into the seasonal coffee, tea, and dessert, transforming Shen’s watercolor painting work of the “Time Anthology — 24 Solar Terms” into sequential memory of the four seasons, and writing the full-sense flavor and seasonal experience into the Time Anthology. This exhibition period particularly features combination of the An-an’s 24 Solar Terms that allows you to possess the 24-flower portrait for once.
The most memorable scenery in life
The message sent by Man-Ting’s painting collectors is aiming at the memorious vestige or illusory imagination existed in people’s yearning that has been accumulated and transformed into many pieces of the landscape painting. The most tender manner to treat the irreversible time and transient serendipity is to properly treasure it and concentrate your attention on every moment, for each rendezvous in different time and space backgrounds is no other than each one of us experiencing our life itinerary.
Man-Ting, the illustrator, was graduated from Department of Design of the National Taiwan University of Science and Tech (a.k.a. Taiwan Tech). Illustration, design, photography, and coffee are the favorite things in her daily life; she convinces that constant creation can bring more probabilities into her life and take her to even farther places. Most of her creative inspirations are coming from music, portrait, literature, and photography, as well as various imaginations. She expects to paint out a sense of comfort, freedom, and tranquility through her delicate strokes, and depict a unique world alive with imagination and perception which may take visitors to reach a farther place.
雜訊在腦袋裡竄來竄去,或許有些狀態矛盾迷走且荒謬,卻也是一個個存在的意義。我正在人生中手刀狂奔,巽為易經風卦,來無影去無蹤 。
Scurrying around in my brain is those noises which are, perhaps, staying in a state of contradiction, confusion, or absurdity, but they are still respectively served as an existing significance. I am running wildly in my life, with a hand knife in my hand; Xun in the Chinese interpretation represents one of the eight diagrams in I-ching symbolizing the divinatory emblem —wind— it comes and goes from nowhere…